Neopeptine Liquid 100ml is used for providing relief from digestive discomfort in infants and children. It is a digestive enzyme supplement. It contains a combination of Alpha-Amylase and Papain, which help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into absorbable nutrients, promoting efficient digestion and nutrient absorption. This liquid is beneficial for managing conditions such as constipation, gas, colic pain, and post-meal abdominal distension. It is also effective in managing symptoms like heartburn and indigestion in young children. The formulation is gentle on sensitive stomachs, making it suitable for infants. This liquid’s carminative properties help reduce bloating and discomfort after feeding, relieving fermentative dyspepsia. With regular use, it supports overall digestive health. This liquid is recommended under medical supervision to ensure the correct dosage and usage, tailored to the child's specific needs.