Adel 56 Habifac Drop is used for managing the immune system, infections and inflammation across all mucous membranes. It combines the potent effects of Acidum formicicum and Acidum nitricum to provide robust management of chronic infections and inflammatory conditions that often overwhelm a compromised immune system. This formulation also includes Baptisia tinctora and Glechoma hederacea, which work synergistically to enhance the excretion of toxins, thereby managing overall resistance to infections. Graphites further help in managing skin conditions such as itching and burning sensations and support the body in alleviating rheumatic pains and disturbances in heat regulation. Adel 56 Habifac Drop offers holistic support for various conditions, including neuralgia, intestinal irritations and chronic catarrhal inflammations, making it a versatile remedy for individuals seeking to enhance their body’s natural defences.