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Top 18 Foods to Relieve Your Cough and Cold

Top 18 Foods to Relieve Your Cough and Cold

Last updated on : 14 Oct, 2024

Read time : 12 min


Cough and cold can be a real bother, especially during the winter season when our immunity is somewhat compromised. Yet, there’s good news. Several foods can help alleviate your symptoms and promote faster recovery. Incorporating these foods into your diet can boost your immune system and soothe your discomfort. Discover the top 18 foods that can provide relief from cough and cold in this article.

What Is a Cough?

A cough is your body’s natural mechanism to clear mucus or foreign irritants from your throat and airways. Various factors can induce a cough, such as food blocking airways, infections or exposure to environmental irritants. Coughs can be classified as acute (lasting less than three weeks) or chronic (lasting over eight weeks). Some common causes of cough include:

  1. Viral infections like the common cold and flu
  2. Bacterial infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis
  3. Allergic reactions
  4. Acid reflux
  5. Smoking
  6. Air pollution
  7. Intake of certain medications

Notably, coughs can be dry (tickling) or productive (wet). A wet cough helps to expel mucus, while a dry cough can be rather exhausting and may require medical attention.

What Are the Causes of a Cough?

A cough, an all too familiar issue for most of us, can arise from various sources. The root cause may lie in the common infections we are exposed to or even certain chronic conditions. Here’s a closer look at some of these causes:

  1. Acute viral infections: The common cold and influenza are the most frequent causes of coughs. These are usually accompanied by additional symptoms such as a sore throat and fever.
  2. Bacterial infections: Certain bacterial infections, such as pneumonia and whooping cough, can lead to persistent coughing. In some cases, the severity of the cough may require a visit to the doctor.
  3. Allergies and asthma: A reaction to allergens like pollen, dust, or pet dander can set off coughing. Asthma, which is particularly common in children in India, can also cause persistent coughing.
  4. Irritants: Exposure to smoke, strong odours, or pollution can irritate the airways, leading to coughing. This is especially relevant for those living in bustling cities with high levels of air pollution.
  5. Postnasal drip: Mucus trickling down the back of your throat can irritate and trigger a cough. This is often seen after infections or during allergy seasons.
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): In GERD if stomach acid backs up into your throat, it can result in a chronic cough.
  7. Chronic conditions: Disorders such as chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and heart failure can also manifest as a persistent cough.

What Are the Types of Cough?

Apart from understanding the possible causes of a cough, it’s also helpful to know that there are different types of coughs. These types are based on their duration and characteristics:

  1. Acute cough: This type lasts less than three weeks and is often due to viral infections or acute bronchitis.
  2. Chronic cough: A cough that persists for eight weeks or longer may indicate a more serious underlying condition.
  3. Productive cough: Also known as a wet cough, this type brings up mucus or phlegm, often associated with infections like bronchitis or pneumonia.
  4. Non-productive cough: This is a dry cough that does not produce mucus and is typically caused by irritation or allergies.
  5. Subacute cough: This cough lasts between three to eight weeks, often following an acute infection.
  6. Refractory cough: A chronic cough that does not respond to treatment calls for further investigation. It could be indicative of an underlying serious health condition.

Understanding the causes and types of cough can help in identifying the appropriate treatment and when to seek medical advice.

Home Remedies for Cough and Cold

The common cold and cough can be quite a nuisance, causing discomfort and disrupting your daily routine. Various home remedies can help alleviate these symptoms and boost your immune system. Here are some effective home remedies that can help alleviate symptoms of cough and cold:

1) Ginger

One of the most effective home remedies for cough and cold is ginger, renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. It can soothe a sore throat effectively. Chop some pieces of ginger and boil them in water. Add a bit of honey for sweetness. This makes an excellent ginger tea that relieves cough symptoms. Drinking this tea twice a day can provide significant relief.

2) Garlic

Garlic, a common ingredient in Indian kitchens, is rich in allicin, an element with potent antimicrobial characteristics. Consuming raw or cooked garlic with your meals could reduce the severity of cold symptoms. You can also chew on a clove of garlic for a quick immunity boost. Adding garlic to soups and stews enhances their medicinal properties.

3) Raw Honey

Raw honey acts as a natural cough suppressant and is particularly effective in soothing a sore throat. A solution of honey mixed with warm water or herbal tea can offer respite from persistent coughing. Taking a spoonful of raw honey before bed can reduce nighttime coughing. Honey’s antimicrobial properties also help fight infections.

4) Turmeric

With its strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant attributes, turmeric is an effective remedy for reducing cough and cold symptoms. Consume a warm drink prepared with turmeric, ginger, and honey for relief. Adding turmeric to your daily meals can also help prevent cold symptoms. Turmeric milk, or “golden milk,” is a popular remedy.

5) Lemon

Lemon, being rich in vitamin C, aids in boosting your immune system. Mixing lemon juice with honey in warm water offers a soothing effect on the throat. This also helps reduce coughing. Drinking this mixture several times a day can keep your throat moist and relieve pain. Lemon water also helps in detoxifying the body.

6) Pineapple

Pineapple houses bromelain, an enzyme that may help suppress coughs and loosen mucus in the throat. Drinking fresh pineapple juice can provide immediate relief and keep you hydrated. Eating pineapple chunks can also help reduce mucus buildup. Bromelain supplements are available for more concentrated benefits.

7) Pomegranate Juice

Packed with antioxidants, pomegranate juice aids in reducing inflammation. Regular consumption of this juice can strengthen your immune system during periods of sickness. Pomegranate juice also helps maintain hydration levels. Adding it to smoothies can enhance its nutritional benefits.

8) Hot Tea

A hot cup of herbal tea, especially the chamomile or peppermint variant, works wonders in soothing the throat. It also aids in congestion relief. Adding honey enhances its soothing effects and brings added relief. Green tea, rich in antioxidants, is also beneficial. Drinking hot tea throughout the day keeps you hydrated.

9) Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, a mineral essential for supporting immune function. Munching on roasted pumpkin seeds may boost your body’s ability to fight off infections. Adding them to salads and cereals increases their health benefits. Zinc supplements can provide additional support during a cold.

10) Yoghurt

Yoghurt is filled with probiotics that can enhance the health of your gut and bolster your immune system. Including it in your daily diet could help your body resist colds. Adding fruit to yoghurt increases its nutritional value. Probiotic supplements are another option for gut health.

11) Broth or Soup

Nothing beats a warm broth or soup, especially chicken soup when it comes to providing hydration and comfort during a cold. These soups soothe the throat and clear nasal congestion effectively. Adding vegetables boosts their nutritional content. Homemade soups are preferable for their health benefits.

12) Vegetable Juice

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices, particularly those rich in vitamin C, can surge immunity and provide essential nutrients during illness. Carrot, beet, and spinach juices are excellent choices. Mixing different vegetables ensures a range of nutrients. Juices also help maintain hydration.

14) Turkey Sandwich

A turkey sandwich makes a nourishing meal option when you’re feeling under the weather. The high protein content in turkey aids recovery. Adding vegetables and whole-grain bread increases its health benefits. Lean turkey is preferable for its lower fat content.

15) Traditional Chicken Stew

A homemade traditional chicken stew offers comfort and hydration due to its rich blend of vegetables and nutrients, making it an ideal remedy for cough and cold. Adding herbs and spices enhances its medicinal properties. Serving it hot provides soothing relief.

16) Banana

Bananas are easy to digest and can provide a quick energy boost. They also contain potassium, beneficial for maintaining hydration levels when you’re sick. Including bananas in your diet when you’re coughing might just help you recover faster. Bananas can be added to smoothies for a nutritious treat.

17) Kiwi

Kiwi is high in vitamin C and antioxidants. This could give a much-needed boost to your immune system and reduce the duration of cold symptoms. Eating kiwis regularly can help maintain overall health. Kiwi supplements are available for concentrated benefits.

18) Almonds

Lastly, almonds are a good source of vitamin E that supports immune function. Regular consumption of almonds can help sustain your energy levels and overall health during a cold. Adding almonds to your diet in the form of snacks or meals boosts their benefits. Almond butter is a tasty alternative.

Incorporate these foods into your diet as natural remedies to combat cough and cold symptoms while boosting your immune system.

Food Recipes For Cough & Cold

When you have a cough or cold, the foods you consume can go a long way in helping to relieve your symptoms. Here are some simple and delicious recipes designed to soothe your throat and boost your immune system:

1) Warm Honey Lemon Water

This is a classic remedy for a sore throat.

  1. You need a cup of warm water, 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and the juice of half a lemon.
  2. Heat the water until it is warm, then add the honey and lemon juice.
  3. Stir well and sip slowly.

The honey coats your throat, providing instant relief, while the lemon boosts your immune system.

2) Ginger Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, while ginger is a natural expectorant that can help clear your throat of mucus.

  1. To make this healing tea, boil a cup of water.
  2. Add a fresh, sliced 1-inch piece of ginger along with 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric.
  3. Let it simmer for 10 minutes before straining into a cup.
  4. You can sweeten it with honey and add a slice of lemon if you wish.

Improve Sleep with Ginger Turmeric Tea

Discover how ginger turmeric tea can enhance your sleep quality:

1) Calming effects: Soothes the body and mind, promoting relaxation before bedtime.
2) Anti-inflammatory properties: Contains gingerol and curcumin, reducing inflammation and alleviating discomfort.
3) Support digestion: Aids digestion, preventing bloating and indigestion that might disrupt sleep.
4) Caffeine-free alternative: Naturally caffeine-free, making it a perfect evening drink.
5) Warmth and comfort: Provides a comforting, soothing warmth that helps signal it’s time to sleep.

3) Garlic Chicken Soup

A warm bowl of chicken soup is comforting when you’re not feeling well, and garlic adds extra immune-boosting benefits.

  1. Heat 4 cups of chicken broth in a pot.
  2. Add 2 minced cloves of garlic and 1 cup each of cooked shredded chicken and chopped vegetables.
  3. Let it simmer until the vegetables are tender.
  4. Stir in some fresh herbs like parsley or thyme for added flavour before serving.

4) Turmeric Golden Milk

This traditional Indian drink is renowned for its healing properties.

  1. In a small saucepan, gently heat a cup of your preferred milk (dairy or plant-based).
  2. Add 1 teaspoon each of ground turmeric and cinnamon.
  3. Also, add a pinch of black pepper to enhance turmeric absorption.
  4. Optionally, sweeten with honey.
  5. Whisk until well mixed and warmed through.
  6. Enjoy before bedtime for a soothing effect.

5) Banana Berry Smoothie

Contrary to popular belief, bananas are not bad for coughs and colds. They can be quite beneficial. Bananas are rich in Vitamin C and can help soothe a sore throat.

  1. Blend 1 ripe banana with 1/2 cup mixed berries, and 1 cup yoghurt or milk (dairy or plant-based).
  2. You can also add 1 tablespoon of honey for a nutritious snack or breakfast.
  3. Blend until smooth and creamy for a delicious, nutrient-filled snack or breakfast when you’re under the weather.


Coping with a cough and cold can be tough, but the right foods can help. The recipes mentioned offer comfort and essential nutrients to support your immune system. Including these therapeutic dishes in your diet can alleviate symptoms and speed up recovery. Hydrate, rest, and nourish your body with these wholesome recipes.

If your symptoms persist, consult your family doctor. Eating healthy is important, but seeking timely medical help is crucial too.


What foods help stop coughing?

Honey, ginger, and turmeric are effective in soothing a cough. They have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce irritation and inflammation caused by coughing.

Which fruit is best for a cough?

Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that may help suppress a cough and loosen mucus in your throat. Bananas, though different in their approach, can also be beneficial. They are gentle on the throat and rich in Vitamin C. This boosts immunity and potentially helps fight off a cough.

Is milk good for a cough?

Drinking warm milk can provide immediate relief from a dry cough. However, it may thicken mucus production which is not beneficial in cases of a productive cough.

What foods are good for fighting a cold?

Vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, lemons, and kiwis, along with nutrient-dense foods like broths, soups, and whole grains can boost the immune system and help fight off a cold.

What food should be avoided during a cough?

Avoid spicy food, fried food, and cold drinks during a cough as they can irritate the throat further. Also, avoid any food you are allergic to as it could exacerbate symptoms.


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