Last updated on : 19 Mar, 2025
Read time : 9 min
Statistics indicate that approximately one in five men has a low sperm count. Male infertility is responsible for roughly 20% of unsuccessful attempts for couples struggling to conceive. Improving fertility for both genders is essential for conception.
It has been observed that aspects of one’s lifestyle can have an impact on semen quality and the capacity of sperm to swim forward and successfully fertilise an egg during conception.
Addressing any current health issues with your healthcare provider and adopting healthy habits before trying to conceive is wise. To ensure optimal sperm quality, consider making lifestyle adjustments at least three months before you start trying to have a baby.
Regarding sperm motility, healthy sperm are defined as having a forward progression of at least 25 micrometres per second. Asthenospermia or asthenozoospermia is the term given to men with poor sperm motility.
There are a few types of sperm motility problems, including slow or sluggish progressive motility, non-progressive motility, anything less than 5 micrometres per second, and no motility.
The precise source of poor sperm motility can differ. In some cases, a genetic factor may be at the core, yet, an undetected medical issue may be the culprit. Habits and external influences also have a significant impact on sperm motility.
To boost your sperm motility, change your routine: make sure to maintain a healthy diet, stop smoking, take a multivitamin, cut back on your alcohol consumption, and find ways to manage stress. These lifestyle tweaks can make a big difference for some men.
Various elements have the potential to have an impact on sperm quality. These elements include aspects of lifestyle such as smoking, drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs, being overweight, being under psychological strain, advanced paternal age, diet, and drinking caffeine.
The damaging impacts of these elements could become even more exacerbated from generation to generation. Nevertheless, their ill effects can be significantly reduced through behavioural adjustment and healthier lifestyle decisions, such as
By practising the factors mentioned above, the detrimental effects of these factors on male fertility can be minimised, leading to a more favourable result.
Regarding infertility in men, the cause can be anything from genetics, overall health and fitness, illnesses and even the food we eat. Living a healthy lifestyle and eating right is essential, as certain foods and nutrients help with fertility.
If you want to improve your sperm count and boost male fertility, here are some things you can do. These male fertility tips will help you in the long term.
It is speculated that marijuana and cocaine may impact male fertility. It is unfortunately impossible to draw an indisputable conclusion due to the fact that carrying out extensive studies is considered unethical.
Using anabolic steroids, amphetamines, heroin, and methadone can harm sperm quality. If you’re utilising any of these substances, discussing with a medical professional how to break your habit is essential.
Excessive consumption of alcohol can have a detrimental effect on male reproductive health. It can reduce testosterone levels, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone (LH) – an essential hormone for regulating the reproductive system.
Research has shown that consuming even a moderate amount of alcohol, such as 50 ml a week, can harm sperm quality. It is because alcohol increases the amount of oestrogen in the body, which can reduce sperm production.
Smoking can harm ejaculation volume, sperm count, and motility. Additionally, smokers may experience a drop in zinc levels in their semen, which could reduce sperm production.
Smokers may put their sperm at risk since the delicate hairs which aid in the movement of semen through the epididymis can be damaged. Furthermore, smoking may impair erectile function, leading to decreased male fertility.
If you keep smoking, your partner is also exposed to the dangerous effects of passive smoke. Fortunately, when you quit, these risks can be minimised.
If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor, as numerous cessation programs can help you end your smoking habit.
If you have a BMI higher than average, consider trying to shed a few pounds. Carrying extra weight can have serious repercussions regarding male fertility issues; studies indicate that it can lead to hormonal imbalances and reduced sperm production and concentration.
While the evidence is more debatable, it is also possible that obesity can affect the motility and shape of sperm, thus reducing the odds of successful fertilisation.
It’s becoming more and more evident that male obesity can have a detrimental effect on the molecular health of sperm and cause sperm DNA damage. If a sperm’s DNA is not of high integrity, it can lead to unsuccessful fertilisation and developmental issues in the baby.
Studies have even shown that paternal obesity may have long-term implications for the health of their future children, as the offspring may be more prone to chronic illnesses. If you’re looking to reach a healthy weight, the best way is through proper nutrition and exercise.
Having processed meat and caffeine, red meat, saturated fatty acids, and trans fats has been linked to a decrease in the quality of semen.
On the contrary, if you want to improve sperm quality, filling your plate with lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and fish is essential. A Mediterranean-style diet is excellent for heart health and can support fertility.
Be sure your nutrition is packed with antioxidants such as vitamin C, folate, zinc, and B12. The best way to get these is from your diet, so try to include five servings of fruits and veggies daily. If you’re vegan, consider discussing the need for food supplements with your doctor.
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in walnuts or certain types of fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring, to name a few), are beneficial for sperm production.
The accumulation of stress may lead to decreased hormones like LH and testosterone. It could potentially decrease the quality of sperm, yet further research is needed to establish a link.
The psychological strain of everyday life can significantly impact our physical and reproductive health. It can decrease our sexual drive and impact our fertility and sperm health.
Get acquainted with some essential breathing and meditation practices you can rely on when feeling overwhelmed.
Staying active is essential to ensure proper heart health and to maintain a healthy weight for maximum fertility.
It has been demonstrated on multiple occasions that those who lead more active lifestyles have higher sperm counts than inactive ones. To ensure strong fertility, strive to get at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise five times a week.
Talking to your doctor about any pre-existing medical conditions that could impact your fertility, such as sickle cell, thalassaemia, or other inherited illnesses, is essential. Make sure you take the time to have a preconception consultation with them.
If you’re a man who has had groin surgery or testicular cancer treatment, it’s essential to talk to a doctor about your fertility as soon as possible. Additionally, get tested for sexually transmitted infections if relevant to your situation.
Takeaway Message
If you’re struggling with infertility, looking at your overall well-being is essential. Eating suitable meals, exercising regularly, and managing stress are all essential components of a healthy lifestyle and may be beneficial in restoring fertility. While there’s no guaranteed solution, addressing any underlying nutrient deficiencies or low testosterone levels can help you reclaim fertility.
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Frequently asked questions
Excessive contact with certain environmental elements, including high temperatures, toxins, and chemicals, can have a detrimental effect on sperm production and performance. Industrial chemicals significantly contribute to this issue, with extended exposure to certain pesticides, herbicides, organic solvents, and painting materials potentially leading to decreased sperm count.
Drinking too much, smoking, taking illegal drugs such as marijuana or cocaine, and some prescribed medications, such as testosterone replacement therapy, long-term anabolic steroid use, cancer treatments, certain antibiotics, and some antidepressants, can harm male sperm quality.
Male infertility can arise from reduced sperm count, faulty sperm performance, and obstructed sperm transport. Potential culprits may include ailments, bodily harm, enduring health issues, lifestyle selections, and additional elements.
As men get older, their fertility begins to decline, typically beginning around the ages of 40 to 45. This decrease in sperm quality reduces the likelihood of conception and increases the time it takes to get pregnant and fetal death.
It doesn’t seem that engaging in frequent masturbation is likely to have much of an effect on your fertility. Some studies have indicated that semen quality is usually best after abstaining for two to three days. However, other research indicates that men with average sperm quality can still retain normal sperm motility and concentration even if masturbation is done daily.
Foods to increase sperm count include fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, and shellfish.
Foods to increase male fertility include fish (a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids), fruits and veggies and walnuts.
Research revealed that men who consumed generous amounts of fruits, green leafy vegetables, and beans displayed higher sperm concentrations and improved sperm motility compared to those with a lower intake of these foods.
The information given in this article is accurate to our best knowledge. Still, we recommend you consult your healthcare professional before taking any medication or dietary supplements mentioned in this article.
Our healthcare experts have carefully reviewed and compiled the information presented here to ensure accuracy and trustworthiness. It is important to note that this information serves as a general overview of the topic and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or cure any health problem. This page does not establish a doctor-patient relationship, nor does it replace the advice or consultation of a registered medical practitioner. We recommend seeking guidance from your registered medical practitioner for any questions or concerns regarding your medical condition.
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