Dr Willmar Schwabe India Carbo Vegetabilis 200 Ch Dilution 30 ML is used for managing gastrointestinal and respiratory conditions. It is a homoeopathic remedy. It is known for managing digestive disturbances like dyspepsia, flatulence, and acidity. Carbo Vegetabilis, commonly called vegetable charcoal, may help manage digestive disorders that often lead to discomfort, bloating, or gas. The remedy has effectively addressed stomach and bowel issues, particularly in the elderly. It may provide much-needed support during the collapse stage of cholera. It may help in offering relief in severe digestive and hydration conditions. It has been used to manage inflammation and swelling in the rectum veins. It also helps with inflammation and discomfort in the digestive tract. This remedy can also assist in respiratory ailments, where symptoms such as difficulty breathing or chest discomfort arise due to digestion-related issues. Its benefits help with various digestive and respiratory challenges.