Torque's Torliv Ayurvedic Syrup is used for supporting liver health and overall well-being. It is a herbal formulation. It combines the power of Ayurvedic herbs to detoxify the liver, improve digestion, and help enhance appetite. Being liver healthy is equally important as being heart healthy. This ayurvedic syrup helps detoxify and promote overall liver health. The syrup contains powerful herbs like Himsara, Kakamachi, Kasni, Arjuna, and Punarnava, known for their hepatoprotective properties. Bhringaraja, Bhumyaamlaki, Guduchi, and Daruharidra further help in liver detoxification and support. Other significant ingredients like Amalaki, Vidanga, Parpata, Kutki, and Kirata help in strengthening the liver, improving metabolism, and overall health. These herbs work synergistically to help maintain a healthy liver, which is crucial for optimal body function.