Zandu Chyavanprash Avaleha is an authentic Ayurvedic formula created in accordance with the Ayurvedic Saar Sangraha's literature. It has natural jaggery instead of added refined sugar. Its scientifically proven 2X immunity is made with 39 priceless Ayurvedic herbs. Jaggery is a source of many additional health benefits and is loaded with minerals and micronutrients. Furthermore, it has been shown to help enhance respiratory health. A spoon a day helps boost immunity and keeps you energized all day long, and it can be consumed by people of all ages. By regularly consuming Zandu Chyavanprash Avaleha , which is made with 100 years of Zandu's Ayurvedic wisdom, you can keep your family healthy, hospital off diseases, and make preparations for tomorrow's challenges.