Last updated on : 04 Mar, 2024
Read time : 7 min
Chickenpox is a highly contagious and infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It causes rashes with small, fluid-filled blisters that are itchy. If a person has never experienced chickenpox then they are prone to be at high risk.
Once you experienced chickenpox and are vaccinated against it then you won’t get infected again in your life. Adults who get chickenpox can get quite unwell, so getting it as a child or getting vaccinated is best.
A chickenpox-infected child can infect other children. Almost every child gets chickenpox, but only a few have major consequences. Chickenpox is rare nowadays due to early childhood vaccination.
Chicken pox symptoms and signs are easy to spot. A medical practitioner can often tell if a child has chickenpox by looking at their skin. Chickenpox causes an itchy blister rash that appears within 10 to 21 days. Exposure to the virus lasts about five to ten days.
Chicken pox symptoms usually appear in this order:
The chickenpox rash goes through three stages once it appears:
In healthy children, the disease is usually mild. In extreme cases, chicken pox rash forms in the throat, eyes, and mucous membranes of the urethra and also in the anus and vagina.
The varicella-zoster virus is the main infectious agent for chickenpox. It is also known as varicella or zoster virus, or human herpesvirus 3. Chickenpox is contagious and can be transmitted in a variety of ways:
In these cases, only people who never had chickenpox or have not been vaccinated are at risk. Having the disease or being vaccinated usually provides lifelong immunity.
Most people get chickenpox from intimate contact with an infectious person. Chickenpox can be spread one to two days before the rash appears.
Call your doctor if you get an unexplained rash, especially if you have a cold or fever. You may have one of several viruses or diseases. Notify your doctor if you are pregnant and have had chickenpox.
Your doctor may be able to diagnose it by looking at your or your child’s blisters. If the blisters are caused by a virus, a lab test can identify the virus and confirm the infection.
It usually takes 10 to 21 days after being exposed to develop a rash or other chicken pox symptoms.
It causes an itchy rash that lasts 5 to 10 days before the blisters turn into scabs (a dry, rough protective crust around the rash). The majority of scabs heal within 20 days of the onset of a chicken pox rash.
It is possible to infect someone with chickenpox up to two days before the rash shows.
The chickenpox symptoms resolve in two to three weeks. But the virus itself remains in the body for the rest of a person’s life. The virus, for the most part, remains dormant stage, or inert.
Yet, the dormant virus can reactivate, causing shingles and chicken pox symptoms. Vaccinating against chickenpox can lower the risk in older persons.
Unvaccinated people are more prone to catch chickenpox. Vaccination is critical for those who work with children or in schools.
Most persons who have had chickenpox or been immunized are immune. Some people catch chickenpox more than once, but this is rare. Immunized people have fewer blisters, less fever, or no fever if they get chickenpox symptoms.
Chickenpox is usually a minor illness. However, it can be dangerous and lead to complications such as
Most patients should manage their chicken pox symptoms until the illness has gone. People should stay at home and avoid virus transmission. Adults with the virus must also stay home and should avoid direct contact with other people.
Your doctor may give antihistamines or topical ointments to relieve itching. To relieve itchy skin, try the following
Your doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs if you have viral disorders or if you are at risk. Teenagers, seniors, and others with medical issues are at increased risk. It does not cure chickenpox. Slowing viral activity reduces symptoms that will help your immune system to recover faster.
Vaccination is the greatest approach to avoiding chickenpox. All people who never had chickenpox should get its vaccine.
For effective protection, two doses of the chickenpox vaccine are required. The majority of people who get the vaccine never get chickenpox.
Vaccination after exposure but before symptoms can help prevent or lessen symptoms.
A child’s body produces antibodies to fight the virus. Antibodies fight viruses and help the body to heal. Adults have these antibodies throughout their life. Adults who battle the infection have antibodies.
Persons who had chickenpox before rarely experience it again. The sickness caused by reactivating the chickenpox virus in adults is called “shingles.” Shingles can spread to people who have never had chickenpox.
Chickenpox is a highly contagious and infectious disease that usually infects children and adults who never had it. The best way to prevent chickenpox is to get vaccinated against it and to take care not to come in contact with an infected person. There is a very low possibility of chickenpox infection if you already had it and are vaccinated against it. Still, always consult your healthcare professional if you or your child have the above-mentioned symptoms.
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Disclaimer: The information given in this article is true to our best knowledge, still, we will recommend that you should consult your healthcare professional before using any medication mentioned in this article.
Frequently asked questions
If a person never had chickenpox earlier in their life, there is a possibility that they can catch chickenpox.
Children are most likely to get infected with chickenpox if they are not vaccinated against it.
The most common symptoms of chickenpox are fever, tiredness, headache, and rash all over the body but it is recommended that you should consult your doctor regarding it.
It is recommended that you should avoid direct contact with a person who has chickenpox.
Our healthcare experts have carefully reviewed and compiled the information presented here to ensure accuracy and trustworthiness. It is important to note that this information serves as a general overview of the topic and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or cure any health problem. This page does not establish a doctor-patient relationship, nor does it replace the advice or consultation of a registered medical practitioner. We recommend seeking guidance from your registered medical practitioner for any questions or concerns regarding your medical condition.
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