Voritek 200 Tablet 10 is used to manage serious fungal infections in adults. It belongs to a class of medicines known as azoles.
In addition to treating severe fungal infections, Voritek 200 Tablet 10 is effective against invasive aspergillosis, candidemia in non-neutropenic patients, and disseminated Candida infections affecting various body parts, such as the skin, abdomen, kidneys, bladder wall, and wounds. It also addresses oesophagal candidiasis and serious infections caused by Scedosporium apiospermum and Fusarium species. Furthermore, it can prevent fungal infections in high-risk bone marrow transplant recipients.
Take this medicine exactly as directed by your doctor. Before starting, inform your doctor of any existing health conditions or medications you are taking. If you experience any side effects, contact your doctor immediately. For optimal results, it is crucial to continue the medication for the full duration prescribed by your doctor.