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Top 10 Bael Fruit Benefits with its Uses, Nutritional Value, Side Effects and Much More!

Last updated on : 18 Jul, 2024

Read time : 13 min


The benefits of fruits are known to everyone, and bale fruit, commonly known as beel or sriphal, has many health benefits. It is known by different names such as bili,  bilbam, bilbam,  bil,  katori,  belo,  bal, and aeglemarmelos corr. Bael fruit in English is commonly referred to as “wood apple” or “stone apple” due to its hard outer shell. This fruit has numerous health-protective and preventive benefits. Traditionally, various parts of the Bael plant are used for therapeutic purposes for digestion, relieving constipation, heart brain and cooling effect on the body. Moreover, Bael fruit’s respiratory effects helps improve wheezing and spasms related with asthma. Know more about this fruit, its nutritional profile, uses, benefits of Bael fruit and much more.

Nutritional Value of Bael for 100 gm

The fruit contains about 61% moisture and multiple vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamins B1 and B2, and vitamin C, along with minerals like potassium, phosphorous, iron, and calcium.

Here is the nutritional value of 100 grams of Bael fruit:

NutrientsNutritional value
Calories137 kcal
Carbohydrates31.8 g
Protein1.8 g
Fat0.3 g
Fibre2.9 g
Vitamin C8 mg
Vitamin A55 IU
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)1.19 mg 
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 1.1 mg 
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.13 mg
Calcium85 mg
Iron0.7 mg
Phosphorus52 mg
Potassium600 mg
Magnesium41 mg
Zinc0.1 mg
Sodium17 mg

Properties of Bael

Here are the properties of Bael that make it a valuable fruit:

  1. Astringent Property: Bael fruit has astringent properties that help in contracting and tightening tissues, which can be beneficial in treating diarrhoea.
  2. Cooling Effect: Its cooling properties help soothe the body and reduce heat, making it effective in relieving fevers and summer heat.
  3. Laxative Property: The fruit is a mild laxative, promoting regular bowel movements and relieving constipation.
  4. Somatic Property: Bael fruit enhances appetite and supports healthy digestion by improving the function of the stomach.
  5. Antiscorbutic Property: Bael fruit is rich in vitamin C, preventing and treating scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.
  6. Digestive Property: It aids in digestion and helps alleviate digestive disorders like indigestion and dyspepsia.
  7. Antimicrobial Activity: The fruit exhibits antimicrobial properties, effectively combating various bacteria and pathogens.
  8. Anticancer Activity: Bael fruit contains compounds that have shown potential in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
  9. Cardioprotective Activity: It offers cardioprotective benefits, helping to maintain heart health and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  10. Antidiabetic Activity: Bael fruit helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for managing diabetes.
  11. Antiulcer Activity: It has antiulcer properties that help protect and heal the stomach lining from ulcers.
  12. Antioxidant Activity: The fruit is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage.
  13. Anti-inflammatory Activity: Bael fruit has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing inflammation and providing relief from inflammatory conditions.
  14. Liver Protecting Property: Bael fruit has hepatoprotective properties that help protect the liver from damage and support liver health.
  15. Antiviral Property: It exhibits antiviral properties, making it effective in fighting viral infections and boosting the immune system.

When is it Best to Eat a Bael Fruit

The best time to eat Bael fruit is in the morning on an empty stomach to maximise its digestive and detoxifying benefits. It can also be consumed before meals to stimulate appetite and aid digestion. For a cooling effect, it’s ideal during the hot summer months. Avoid eating it late in the evening, as its laxative properties might disrupt sleep.

Bael Fruits Benefits

Bael fruit benefits those looking for constipation, diarrhoea, diabetes management, stomach ulcers and detoxification of their body. It is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, and other minerals, thus helping improve overall health. Here are the main Bael fruit benefits for health:

  1. Bael Fruit Benefits For Diarrhoea and Dysentery: The unripe or half-ripe Bael fruit is perhaps the most effective food remedy for chronic diarrhoea and dysentery where there is no fever. The best results are obtained using dried Bael or its powder. The dry powder, if taken with water or fresh curd three times a day, will control diarrhoea.
  2. Bael Fruit Benefits For Constipation: Ripe Bael fruit is regarded as the best of all laxatives. It cleans and tones up the intestines. Its regular use for two or three months helps evacuate the old accumulated faecal matter from the bowels. For best results, it should be taken in the form of sherbet, which is prepared from the pulp of the ripe fruit.
  3. Bael Fruit Benefits For Peptic Ulcer: An infusion of Bael leaves is regarded as an effective food remedy for peptic ulcers. The leaves are soaked overnight in water, which is strained and taken as a drink in the morning. When this treatment is continued for a few weeks, the pain and discomfort are relieved.
  4. Bael Fruit Benefits In Lowering Cholesterol and Urea: Bael extracts are known for their ability to regulate cholesterol levels and reduce blood urea. This natural remedy helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and supports kidney function by lowering urea levels in the blood.
  5. Bael Fruit Benefits In Bile Production: The bitter and pungent taste of Bael fruit stimulates bile production in the liver. Adequate bile production aids digestion, particularly of fats, and supports overall digestive health.
  6. Bael Fruit Benefits In Immunity Boosting: Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, Bael fruit is considered restorative and helps bolster the body’s natural immunity. Regular consumption can enhance resistance against infections and illnesses.
  7. Bael Fruit Benefits In Cholera: Bael is a high source of tannin and its rind contains about 20% of the compound, with around 9% in the pulp of the fruit. Hence, the fruit is considered to be the treatment of choice for curing cholera.
  8. Bael Fruit Benefits In Diabetes: For diabetics, Bael fruit offers significant benefits by helping to regulate blood sugar levels. Its natural sugars are absorbed slowly, preventing rapid spikes in blood glucose levels. This makes Bael fruit a healthy choice as part of a balanced diet for managing diabetes effectively.
  9. Bael Fruit Benefits In Asthma: Research suggests that a combination product containing bael fruit and Boswellia gum may help improve breathing in people with asthma, though the exact contribution of bael fruit is unclear.
  10. Bael Fruit Benefits In Thyroid Regulation: Bael fruit may help reduce elevated levels of thyroid hormones in the serum, potentially aiding in managing thyroid disorders.

Potential Uses of Bael

The potential uses of Bael fruit include:

  1. Vitamin C Source: As a rich source of vitamin C, bael helps prevent scurvy and boosts the immune system.
  2. Stomach Ache: Bael fruit is commonly used to relieve stomach aches and improve overall digestive health.
  3. Cooling Agent: Consuming bael fruit provides a cooling effect, which is particularly beneficial during hot weather.
  4. Constipation: Bael fruit acts as a mild laxative, promoting regular bowel movements and relieving constipation.
  5. Diarrhoea: Bael fruit is traditionally used to treat diarrhoea, helping to firm up stools and reduce bowel movements.
  6. Shigellosis: Some studies indicate that taking dried bael fruit powder for three days does not significantly reduce the number of stools in people suffering from diarrhoea due to Shigella bacterial infection.
  7. Depression: Bael fruit may help reduce the symptoms of depression, though more research is needed to confirm its efficacy.
  8. Diabetes: Bael fruit helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for managing diabetes and preventing related complications.
  9. Memory: The nutrients in bael fruit may support cognitive function and improve memory, though more research is required to establish this benefit.
  10. Snakebite: When applied to the skin, bael fruit is used in traditional medicine to treat snake bites, although its effectiveness needs scientific validation.
  11. Diuretic: Bael fruit has diuretic properties that help increase urine production and eliminate toxins from the body.

Bael Leaves Medicinal Uses

Bael leaves are known for their medicinal properties, often used to treat digestive issues such as diarrhoea and dysentery. They also have anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic benefits, making them valuable in managing chronic conditions. Here are the other Bael leaves medicinal uses: 

  • Fresh leaf juice with honey acts as a mild laxative for fever, mucus in the nose and throat, and in asthma.
  • Bael leaves juice mixed with black pepper treats swelling or oedema, constipation, and jaundice.
  • Bael leaves also help reduce fever and act as an expectorant, especially for asthma. A medicated oil prepared from Bael leaves gives relief from wheezing, spasms and even the common cold. The juice extracted from Bael leaves is mixed with an equal quantity of sesame oil and heated thoroughly. A few seeds of black pepper and half a teaspoonful of black cumin are added to the hot oil. It is then removed from the fire and stored for use when necessary. A teaspoonful of this oil should be massaged into the scalp before a head bath. Its regular use builds up resistance against colds and coughs.
  • A hot poultice of Bael leaves is applied to the eyes for ophthalmia, to the head for delirium during fevers, to the chest for acute bronchitis, and to inflamed body parts.
  • Fresh leaves of Bael are also used as a remedy for beriberi (vitamin B1 deficiency).
  • The leaves of the Bael plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine to cure and control diabetes. The juice is extracted from the leaves and taken every morning on an empty stomach. It is said that it controls blood sugar levels and brings them to normal levels in about a month.
  • The paste of the leaves is said to relieve joint pains and swellings if used as a poultice.

How to Use Bael?

Here are various ways to use Bael:

  1. Fruit Squash: Bael fruit squash can be prepared by blending the pulp with water, sugar, and lemon juice, then straining it to create a refreshing drink.
  2. Jam: Bael fruit can be cooked with sugar to make a thick, flavorful jam that can be spread on bread or used as a filling for pastries.
  3. Fruit Nectar: The pulp of the bael fruit can be diluted with water and sweetened to make a nutritious and delicious fruit nectar.
  4. Murabba: Bael murabba is a sweet preserve made by cooking the fruit in sugar syrup, often flavoured with cardamom or saffron, and enjoyed as a dessert or snack.
  5. Puddings: The pulp of bael fruit can be used to make creamy puddings by mixing it with milk, sugar, and a thickening agent like cornstarch.
  6. Juice: Fresh bael fruit juice is made by blending the pulp with water and straining it, often sweetened with sugar or honey and sometimes spiced with a pinch of black salt.

How to Make Bael Juice?

Here are simple steps to make Bale juice:

  • Step 1: Use a heavy knife or a pestle to crack open the bael fruit’s hard outer shell.
  • Step 2: Scoop the orange pulp with a spoon and place it in a bowl.
  • Step 3: Add the pulp to a water bowl and let it soak for 15-20 minutes.
  • Step 4: Mash the soaked pulp thoroughly with your hands or a masher to extract the juice.
  • Step 5: Pour the mashed mixture through a fine sieve or cheesecloth into another bowl, pressing to extract all the liquid.
  • Step 6: Add sugar or honey to taste, stir well, and serve chilled.

Bael Fruits Side Effects

Bael fruit is generally safe when consumed in moderation. If consumed excessively, it can cause a few side effects. Here are some potential Bael fruit side effects:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Consuming large amounts of bael fruit can lead to digestive problems such as bloating, gas, or constipation.
  • Blood Sugar Levels: Bael fruit can lower blood sugar levels, which might be a concern for people with hypoglycemia or those on diabetes medication.

Precautions to Take With Bael

Avoid excessive intake of bael juice, as it can lead to digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhoea. Also, ensure that the Bael juice is freshly prepared and consumed immediately to avoid contamination and ensure the best nutritional benefits.


Ripe bael fruit is a well-known natural laxative. Unripe or half-ripe bael fruit is helpful in treating chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. It is also used to treat hepatitis, tuberculosis, colitis, and indigestion. The fruit is considered beneficial for the heart and brain. The raw fruit acts as an appetiser, and its pulp is effective in treating bleeding piles and dysentery. Bael leaves are also highly medicinal. They contain a lot of aromatic oils, and an infusion of the leaves is a powerful remedy for peptic ulcers. Fresh leaf juice is used to treat eye infections. The roots of young bael trees are used for ear infections. Bael is an excellent choice for those looking for home remedies for constipation. 


What is Bael fruit good for?

Bael fruit is beneficial for digestive health, helping to treat constipation, diarrhoea, and dysentery. It is also used in traditional medicine for its heart and brain tonic properties and to treat conditions like hepatitis and tuberculosis.

Who should not eat Bael fruit?

People with severe stomach upset and hypoglycemia should eat bael fruit in moderation.

Can we drink Bael juice daily?

Bael juice can be consumed daily in moderation to aid digestion and provide a cooling effect on the body. However, excessive consumption should be avoided as it may lead to digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhoea.

Which vitamin is present in Bael?

Bael fruit is rich in Vitamin C, which is essential for boosting the immune system and maintaining healthy skin. It also contains small amounts of other vitamins, including Vitamin A and several B vitamins.

Is Bael good for gas?

Bael fruit relieves gas and bloating due to its digestive properties. It helps to regulate bowel movements and improve overall digestive health.

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